James Murdock (or Murdoch) (1776-1856) studied theology under Timothy Dwight at Yale and went on to become a minister, seminary professor, and author on church history, oriental languages, and philosophy. He was professor of Ancient Languages at the University of Vermont, and four years later was called to the chair of Sacred Rhetoric and Ecclesiastical History in Andover Theological Seminary. He was one of the founders of the American Oriental Society. He translated a number of works from the German, and was well known as a linguistic scholar. His translation of the Peshito New Testament is considered a faithful rendering from the Syriac, and one of his most important works.
The 1851 book is an octavo, and the text covers 471 pages. The author tells us he commenced his translation early in August, 1845, and completed it on the 16th of June, 1846.
Though in 1850 we find a publication published by Ruther Roby. On the 1851 version Murdock shows his vast knowledge of Christianity and of the Syriac language, which was the primary language used by Christian people in Northern Mesopotamia (now Iraq) before Arabic became the dominant language in the area. Unlike Younan and Lamsa, Murdock was not an Aramaic-speaking Assyrian, nor a Peshitta primacist. (Find :Murdock pedigree + Murdoch Genealogy)
> James Murdock, The New Testament; or, the Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus the Messiah. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version.. New York: Stanford and Swords, 1851.
> 1852 James Murdock Translation of the Aramaic Peshitta
> Download the 1852 James Murdock Translation of the Aramaic New Testament (Peshitta) Today!
The 1851 book is an octavo, and the text covers 471 pages. The author tells us he commenced his translation early in August, 1845, and completed it on the 16th of June, 1846.
Though in 1850 we find a publication published by Ruther Roby. On the 1851 version Murdock shows his vast knowledge of Christianity and of the Syriac language, which was the primary language used by Christian people in Northern Mesopotamia (now Iraq) before Arabic became the dominant language in the area. Unlike Younan and Lamsa, Murdock was not an Aramaic-speaking Assyrian, nor a Peshitta primacist. (Find :Murdock pedigree + Murdoch Genealogy)
> James Murdock, The New Testament; or, the Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus the Messiah. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version.. New York: Stanford and Swords, 1851.
> 1852 James Murdock Translation of the Aramaic Peshitta
> Download the 1852 James Murdock Translation of the Aramaic New Testament (Peshitta) Today!
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